Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Evaluation Question- 7 (Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?)

Evaluation Question- 6 (What have you learnt about technologies from the process of creating this product?)

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Created by Amber Ellis

Evaluation Question- 5 (Who would be the audience for your media product?)

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our media product is aimed at and certificated to 15 year olds and above. Our media product has no specific gender in which it is aimed at and because it is certificated a 15, 15 year olds usually watch anything therefore, this product would be suitable for both male and females. Because we have specifically target marketed our audience, the outcome we expect is to have a majority of a primary audience.

In my opinion, it could be said that our media product does conform to the 'Social Class Theory' stereotype; this is that all young people go out drinking in clubs and end up in trouble with the police. This is because in our piece we show a series of events, two innocent young girls going out to a party, the next day one of the girls end ups dead as a result of the previous night, enigma, it is not clear how it happened.

From my BBFC film rating research, certificated 15 films usually end up showing some form of violence, sexual activity and drug taking. We show girls drinking alcohol and a suggestive nature of violence as it is vocally expressed that a girl has ended up dead.
Our media product is a horror film. To make sure that I was statistically correct in my facts I researched what type of audience usually engage in horror films, I found that it is mainly 15-24 year old. As a result I believe that it is correct of me to have rated this opening sequence a 15. However, earlier on I mentioned that because we have directed our piece to 15 year old's our audience would therefore be a primary audience, however, from these statistics it could be said that our piece.

Written By Monique

Evaluation Question- 4 (How did we attract our audience?)