Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Credit Timeline- 'Devil Wears Prada' and 'Mean Girls'- Research and Findings

Title Sequences consist of a list of people and institutions involved in the making of the film. These are seen at the beginning of the film. This can include the director, main actors, production companies and the title of the film. Usually the bigger the film and/or production company, the larger the list of title credits.

To get an idea of what title sequences look like, we produced timelines, which make it easier to count how many names came up, within a certain period of time, first two minutes. I chose ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ and ‘Mean Girls’ as they are both widely recognised and popular movies and have well-known actors. 

After doing both of these movies, you can see a large difference in the amount of credits that are use din the same period of time. 'The Devil Wears Prada' using a lot more than 'Mean Girls.' 

This research will be useful for when we begin to make our opening title sequence. We will compare well known title sequences, such as the two that I have looked at, and see which are the most important credits to be included. 

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