Wednesday 27 April 2016

Music Plan- What are we using

We wanted to use a song that would be close to Bring Me the Horizon's 'Hospital Of Souls' as it is up beat and would build up the tension in most of the scenes. One of our friends tried to re-create it, but it sounded too similar, and we decided not to use it due to its original copyright laws.

In the end,we decided to research copyright free tracks, and found a track that was suitable for the piece, which we are allowed to use. 

Script- Second Draft

Script- First Draft

Updated Story Board

We have now also got rid of shots 6, 7, 8 and 9 as the party scene made the project look more like a trailer than an opening sequence.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Lots of problems

During the period of time leading up to filming the final part, all of the boys that were meant to be in our piece, dropped out due to college and work schedules. Because of this, we had to change the story line of our piece, and try to find people that would replace them.

Unable to find anyone. we decided to change what we were doing completely, and just use the people in our groups as the characters.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Starting to Film- Change to Second Part

After editing our 'Party Scene' it became apparent to us, that it did not look realistic enough, due to the lack of people participating, the sound and the lighting. Due to this fact, we changed our location so that we were able to incorporate resources that were available to us, such as a sound system and a lighting deck.

When we finished filming, we discovered that it was a good decision to re-shoot, as the shots came out so much better, and the 'party' itself looked much more realistic.