Friday 26 February 2016

Cast List-Choosing who to use

For our piece, we wanted to ensure that the the people that we chose fit the part that they would be playing.

First of all, being a horror movie, we would need stereotypical characters. First of all, you always have the 'dumb blonde' girl, who ends up being killed before everyone else. For this, we would use myself.For the other girl, we wanted brunette or dark haired girl. For this we chose our other group member Monique. The other girl from the party scene, we wanted a stereotypical 'ditsy' brunette, so for this we chose our friend Freya.  For the creepy girl, we wanted a relatively tall girl, so for this we chose Amber. She also has previous special effects knowledge, to create cuts and bruises. Lastly, we chose our friend Cem to be the police officer, as he has a classic cockney accent and would fit the part. 

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