Sunday 28 February 2016

Starting to film- First Part

Starting off the process
When we decided to begin filming, we thought that it would be best to film the shortest clips first, so that it would give us more time to focus on the climax of the opening; therefore, we my group and I agreed that the best thing to do would be to film the CCTV Shots, as they would not take long to do.

I went out after dark, onto the council estate, to show that the CCTV Shots were taken in the evening and to start showing the location in which we are going to be filming the rest of the piece.  I used to Tri-Pod to ensure that all of the shots were still and at relatively same angle. Due to the lack of height, some of the camera shots did not look like CCTV, and therefore had to be deleted. If I was to shoot this part again, I would gain some height by standing on something. 

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